“Its almost unimaginable”yes this will be the first reaction of a smoker who listens the above phrase first.Today,every man or women irrespective of whatever profession they are engaged in need to have that kick of the nicotine (which they claim to reduce all their stress and tension)and without which their whole day will be destroyed.Smoking today has entered in everybody’s life and that short white rounded paper is ubiquitous in every professional’s pocket.Think of a situation where you would ask this indivivuals to quit smoke just for one day and the next reaction is “are you mad or what” or probably they would faint .Even the Union Ministry one year ago had published in all the tobacco packets pictoral warnings for the common people to understand the drastic effects of smoking on health but the people are still not aware of this,it is expected that from this December harsher pics are to be published on the packets. These are some of the startling revealations done by the New England Journal of Medicine about smoking:
- About 61% of the men who smoke can expect to die between the ages of 30-39.
- About 62% of the women who smoke can expect to die between the ages of 30-39.
- On an average men who smoke bidi-the popular hand rolled cigarattes that contain about one –quarter as much tobacco as a full sized cigarette shorten their life by six years and Men who smoke full sized cigarattes lose about ten years of their life.
My main objective of writing this article is to find my answer of a simple query that how? exactly how does or does a cigarrate helps anyone to overcome a tensile or an abnormal situation?So lets find out how:
A cigarette contains more than 4000 chemicals and nicotine is the primary content in it.Nicotine is a naturally occurring colourless liquid that comes from the tobacco plant,now when a person smokes he approximately takes 1-2 mg of nicotine with each cigarette,the moment the nicotine goes inside the lungs it gives a rush to the adrenaline known as the adrenaline rush.This adrenaline rush stimulates the body causes an increase in blood pressure,respiration and heart rate,apart from that it also releases a chemical known as dopamine which results in the development of tolerance.The feelings of a high and of euphoria enhances nicotine’s addictive effect,thus repeated exposure to it results in the development of tolerance.When an adequate level of nicotine is not maintained the smoker will experience symptoms of nicotine withdrawl.
Results of nicotine withdrawl:
Decreased Heart rate.
Difficulty concentrating
Increased appetite
Weight gain
Its not only the men who are ahead in this race,you will be amazed to know that Indian women are the worst in the world when it comes to smoking.According to the latest Tobacco Atlas ,the India ranks third in the top 20 female smoking populations across the world.At the end I only want to request all those young,old male and female that this is a very rising and serious health concern and you are the judge of your own life.